PONAR Industrial Projects

PONAR Indu­strial Pro­jects is a com­pa­ny spe­cia­li­zing in the instal­la­tion of indu­strial machi­ne­ry. The offe­red solu­tions are based on the know­led­ge and expe­rien­ce of coope­ra­ting engi­ne­ers and specialists.

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Cooperation with Kuźnia Jawor S.A.

We are hap­py to inform abo­ut esta­bli­sh­ment of coope­ra­tion betwe­en
PONAR-Indu­strial Pro­ject Sp. z.o.o. and Kuź­nia Jawor S.A. Our com­pa­ny, within the sco­pe of the signed agre­ement, is to deli­ver ele­ments for con­struc­tion of pro­to­ty­pe for­ging cen­tre, com­pliant with the Indu­stry 4.0 idea. 

Installations, machinery, controls
Industrial Installations

PONAR-Indu­strial Pro­jects – We design, manu­fac­tu­re, deli­ver, install and super­vi­se full tech­no­lo­gi­cal lines and pro­duc­tion equipment.

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Our Inquiries

Our com­pa­ny is con­stan­tly deve­lo­ping. We are cur­ren­tly looking for a num­ber of machi­nes and pro­duc­tion equ­ip­ment.

On the dedi­ca­ted page you will find a list of our inqu­iries, inc­lu­ding down­lo­ads, con­ta­ining deta­iled tech­ni­cal spe­ci­fi­ca­tions of the device.

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Top quality solutions for the industry
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