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We invite you to browse our latest inquiries:
Double-action forging hammer with Energy min. 100 kJ
Mechanical screw forging press with a screw diameter of min. 500m and pressure of 25MN with adjustable closing height
Mechanical crank press with transmission of Energy to ram by crank mechanism. Force min. 25MN.
Induction heater for the diameter ranges of 20-140mm with the possibility of synchronising two heaters to operate one forging unit. The heater must be able to heat part of the rod
Induction heater for the diameter ranges of 20-140mm with possibility part of synchronising two heaters to operate one forging unit
Longitudinal rolling mill for roundand square rods up to 100mm wide and 500mm long
Hydraulic trimming press with a minumum pressure of 20MN, with the possibility of possibility of using it for calibration
Mechanical crank press for trimming with a minimum pressure of 3-10 MN
Furnace for nitriding and tempering tools with a chamber of min. 900x900x1200
Vacuum washer for dies and die inserts with the function of drying after washing with a chamber of min 900x900x1200 mm
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